The Fund provides financial supports to projects mentioned above in the “About the Fund” section. These projects are implemented by telecommunication providers and monitored by the NTRC.
The NTRC releases call for projects inviting persons to submit ideas which are evaluated by the NTRC for funding under the USF. Once approved, the NTRC will work with the applicant to develop the project based on their use case and requirements. All projects are subject to open competitive bidding to identify a telecommunications provider to implement the project. Projects are implemented together with the applicant. See the steps below

Step 1
Application are submitted by individual or business for consideration

Step 2
Applications are evaluated by NTRC

Step 3
Application is approved by NTRC's USF project committee

Step 4
At this stage the applicant is consulted to further develop the project

Step 5
The project is implemented by the successful bidder (service provider)